
Mai Tai is a collection of useful WSGI middlewares. The goal is to stand alongside the excellent Paste and WebOb libraries and provide tools that are handy for practical WSGI application administration.

It is also:

  • 40 mL white rum
  • 20 mL dark rum
  • 15 mL orange curacao
  • 15 mL Orgeat syrup
  • 10 mL fresh lime juice
  • spear and lime peel garnish

Get the code at GitHub.


The recommended installation method is pip.:

pip install maitai

Track Git SCM version in request

Tag requests with the current SHA1 hash of 1 or more git repositories.:

from maitai.gitsha import GitSHAMiddleware

app = SuperAwesomeApp()
app = GitSHAMiddlware(app, '/opt/superawesome')

Inside your app code, you can access the SHA1 like:

version = environ['git-sha1.superawesome']

Prevent app stack from sending secure cookies

Intercept non-https requests and strip any Set-Cookie headers which set cookies that are secure.

Useful for working around other misbehaving components which are leaking data in your hybrid http/https deployment.:

from maitai.securecookies import SecureCookiesMiddleware

app = SlightlyLeakyStack()
app = SecureCookiesMiddleware(app)

Rename cookies on the client

Look for a cookie by a certain name on the client, if it is present, rename it to a new name and reset metadata to desired values.:

from maitai.renamecookie import RenameCookieMiddleware

app = App()
app = RenameCookieMiddleware(app, 'old_cookie', 'new_cookie', secure=True)

This works by issuing an immediate 307 redirect in response to any requests that have a cookie which matches ‘old_cookie’.

Additional keyword arguments are available for setting all cookie metadata attributes supported by WebOb’s response.set_cookie() call, including expires, max_age, secure, domain, path, httponly, and comment.

Prune cookies on the client

Prune all cookies from the client that either match a blacklist, or don’t match a whitelist.:

from maitai.prunecookies import PruneCookiesMiddleware

app = App()
app = PruneCookiesMiddleware(app, whitelist=('session_id',
                                             '__utma', '__utmb',
                                             '__utmc', '__utmz'))

This works by issuing an immediate 307 redirect in response to any requests that have a cookie that is “to be discarded”.


As indicated above, regardless of your server-side code, don’t forget that you may have 3rd-party javascript like Google Analytics which uses specific cookie names. Don’t throw away your data!

Re-dispatch HTTP errors to a new request path

Internally redirect a request based on status code. If a response has an HTTP status which matches the list configured in the middleware, the request is re-run with the URL path set to the configured path.

Inspired by the middleware that was included in Pylons, and shares the same semantics, but rewritten for simplicity and to use WebOb.:

from maitai.statuscode import StatusCodeRedirect

app = SuperAwesomeApp()
app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, errors=(400, 401, 403, 404, 500),

Request re-issuing is non-recursive: the output of the second request will be used no matter what it is.

Forensically log requests

Forensically log web requests. That is, log enough information about a web request to make it possible to precisely reconstruct exactly what happened in the request.

Logs request data as a JSON object per-line to an append-only file.:

from maitai.forensic import ForensicMiddleware

app = SuperAwesomeApp()
app = ForensicMiddleware(app, '/var/log/maitai-forensic.log')


To Do:

  • Log the request handling time
  • Log the WSGI environ??
  • Log the response body, and the response headers.
  • Log timestamp in ISO 8601

Mai Tai Changelog

Version 0.2

  • Cleaned up documentation.
  • Added a PruneCookiesMiddleware which removes cookies on the client.
  • Make RenameCookieMiddleware handle empty cookies correctly.

Version 0.1

  • Initial release.


class maitai.gitsha.GitSHAMiddleware(app, *watch_paths)[source]

This middleware adds an environ key for the HEAD git SHA1 on repos that it is told to watch.


Mai Tai is licensed under an MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

Code Standards

Mai Tai has a comprehensive test suite with 100% line and branch coverage, as reported by the excellent coverage module. To run the tests, simply run in the top level of the repo:

$ nosetests

There are no PEP8 or Pyflakes warnings in the codebase. To verify that:

$ pip install pep8 pyflakes
$ pep8 .
$ pyflakes .

Any pull requests must maintain the sanctity of these three pillars.